
From Habitat: Giardino

Megastudio: Open Call for Residencies 2022


1–31st October 2022, Cà de Monti, Tredozio (FC)

Deadline applications: 15th September 2022
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Habitat is a cult(r)ural settlement and collective workshop started in July 2021 and, since January 2022, permanently established in the village of Cà de Monti, in Tredozio (FC).

Habitat recognizes the rural and local context, its human landscape, its places and the vernacular imagery, as an essential basis for the imagination and activation of new cultural and artistic paths that know how to relate to a context that goes beyond territorial specificities. To this end, Habitat wants to favour the development of projects and interventions that, starting from the local dimension - as a place of inspiration and action - could collect and rework its precious micro-territorial heritage.

During its first year of life, Habitat took the form of a participatory, resilient and long-term path. Always different groups made up of permanent residents, temporary inhabitants and wayfarers came together to live, share, imagine, build and narrate new cult(r)ural landscapes. This process has favoured the development of a collective archive (in continuous expansion) which now needs to be enhanced, amplifying its peculiarities on the basis of new media and editorial developments.


Megastudio is aimed at individuals, studios and informal collectives operating in the fields of arts, design, architecture and cultural production. The residency is aimed at forming an editorial-curatorial team that knows how to relate to the archives, experiments, documentation, artefacts, recordings, and experiences collected along the path that led Habitat to transform itself from a temporary event into a cult(r)ural settlement, permanently established in the territory of Romagna toscana.

'The application is open for 5 creatives' with a spontaneous predisposition to work in groups, willing to put their knowledge, skills and practicality into play in assembling, reworking, questioning and publishing the archive together with the permanent residents of Habitat. To this end, two main publishing assets have been defined:

  • the design and implementation of editorial and/or multimedia supports that can enhance and amplify the first year of project experience in its heterogeneity.
  • the production of an audiovisual work starting from archival video material
  • the soundscape of the same

Within the residency program, meetings and workshops useful for enriching the individual and collective path will also be scheduled as part of the residency workshop offer.

For the month of October, the residency is financially supported by Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì

Who can apply?

Megastudio is aimed at informal individuals, studios and collectives operating in the fields of arts, design, architecture and cultural production who know how to move more or less smoothly between the following fields:

  • graphics and publishing;
  • video-making and editing;
  • musical composition;
  • writing and copywriting;
  • archival practices;
  • storytelling;
  • drawing and photography

What do we offer?

  1. A compensation per person aimed at supporting living and travel expenses, equal to € 250.00;
  2. Accommodation for a period of residence lasting one month, from 1 to 31 October 2022 at Cà de Monti, Tredozio (FC). Each resident will be assigned a private bedroom with a shared bathroom.

Priority will be given to those who will give availability for the longest residence time, without however excluding other temporal possibilities (minimum 2 weeks).

  1. Access to the kitchen, as a self-managed space. The management of meals will be the responsibility of all participants and residents. A basic pantry for breakfast will be made available.
  2. Access to all the facilities, spaces and tools available at Cà de Monti:

  • Individual co-working station, with internet access (30 Mb / s in download and 3 Mb / s in upload), printers and scanners.
  • Wood Station for woodworking. Also available are Alpi Wood Reclaimed Wood panels.
  • Darkroom for development (b/w, color) and printing (b/w)
  • Tufting Room
  • Music Studio
  • Habitat Radio station for podcast recording
  • Print Room (silkscreen, rust print, blueprint)
  • An almost infinite garden
  • Workshop/training activities, part of the residency program
  • Support and project coordination by the Habitat team

How to apply?

The application for Megastudio must be sent by e-mail to by 15/09/2022 by sending a single .pdf containing the following information:

  1. Specify Individual or Collective Application
  2. Name and Surname (+ eventual name Collective / Firm)
  3. Number of applicants
  4. Applicable ages
  5. Applicants' city of domicile
  6. Preferred areas of expertise (graphics; video-making and editing; music composition; writing and copywriting; archival practices; storytelling; drawing and photography)
  7. Specify any period of residence, if it is not the whole month.

Separately, we ask you to submit:

  1. Motivational letter (in text format, max. 300 words)
  2. Selection of 5 projects/works representative of your practice (.pdf format or web page)

Selection criteria

The selected candidates will be contacted by the 15th of September 2022 by e-mail. The selection will take place through the evaluation of some criteria, partly planning, partly related to the predisposition and fluidity shown towards the Habitat ecosystem.

Design criteria:

  • Predisposition for teamwork and sharing
  • Autonomy and purposefulness
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Interest in the local dimension and the vernacular culture

Convivial criteria:

  • Attitude to sharing and caring for spaces and their maintenance
  • Adaptation to the rhythms of life and seasonal conditions of a rural settlement, detached from urban centres and village comforts
  • Organization and respect of times and activities foreseen by the program and the residents
  • Sensitivity in the use and saving of resources (water, electricity, gas)

The preferred languages ​​in the Residence will be English and Italian.

See you soon!

The contents developed during the residency period will be subsequently integrated into the Habitat exhibition and editorial path, considering the forms of exhibitions/events located in the territory, in independent publishing fairs such as SPRINT - Independent Publishers & Artists' Books Salon (25,26, November 27, 2022)

We are always available for any information, specification or request. Please, write to

We can't wait to read your applications!
Habitat Team