
From Habitat: Giardino


Tnì Bota!

Habitat could officially manifest again through a new public programme of residencies and workshops. 1 month ago I submitted a project proposal to the same open call promoted by Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì. Habitat intends to consolidate the directions it’s been taking since July 2021, with the aim of continuing the imagination and definition of new cultural paths for collective, participatory explorations of the territory. To this end, during September and October 2022, we want to propose a new cycle of residences - developed on the basis of a public call - which has as goal the realization of (at least) 4 workshops, 4 publications, 4 diffused exhibitions, through participation of individuals, formalized and informal groups that together with the local community can foster the blooming of new processes for collective imagination, creation and narration.