
From Habitat: Giardino


Looking for the place

Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì accepted our request. With the funds guaranteeing an economic foundation, I could finally begin the quest for a place for the building up of our Habitat. Typing word combinations like “Renting House Tredozio”, “Property for Rent Romagna toscana” and going through different online sales offers, I spent the day making a list of all the possible accommodations, from private property to farm holiday houses. The place should respect the following:

  • Availability 2 weeks
  • Close to a village centre,
  • 8+ beds
  • Including 1+ shared spaces
  • Outdoor space
  • Maximum €/night per person: € 30

Dozens of calls and booking requests were forwarded during the day, but only one solution came up as suitable for our need: a recently renovated medieval mill in the Montone Valley, close to Portico di Romagna, turned out available after calling the telephone number found in the Booking’s announce. Surprisingly, I managed by the end of the day to get a positive response, and, according to the owner, the day after we should have arranged the on-site visit.