
From Habitat: Giardino


Getting Funds

I decided to apply with the formalised project, presenting it with the cultural association I’m part of (Distretto A). Habitat was shaped as a non-identified yet physical space for living and practising while assembling a public programme of laboratories to explore rooted-in-land traditions and derived interpretations. Diffused exhibitions, performances and events in Tredozio and the neighbouring villages have been planned as moments of public restitution of the convivial interactions between the temporary residents, the local community and the territory.

“By Intertwining and at the same time declining the specific pre-existing context, Habitat has been conceived

as a facilitator of immediate, reciprocal possibilities for the artistic and cultural development of the territory, using research, crafting and the speculative action of the imagination. A place-based strategy that recognizes the importance of the (im)material landscape and the need for careful knowledge built from below, as an essential basis for the activation of oriented interventions that - using the territory as a place of inspiration and action - learn how to collect and rework his precious micro-territorial heritage.”

Extract from the Habitat’s Application papers for Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì